If you are here on this page, something is wrong. You or someone you care about is sick in some way, shape or form. You may have recently gotten a diagnosis. Or you may not be able to pinpoint what is the cause. You may have jumped from specialist to specialist trying to figure it out. I feel your heartache! You want to rebuild health but you don’t know how to go about it. You are searching for answers. I have been there.

Let me tell you a little bit about me. I was a standard American mom and wife who any doctor would have said was in good health. I was thin but not too much. My cholesterol numbers were good. My heart was in good shape. I didn’t have issues with my skin. The list could go on and on… I looked just fine on the outside and on lab test results. But I was dying slowly on the inside.

In 2006, I had some emotional stress and I started to internalize it. Early in 2007 my body had enough and it stopped trying. It is a long story but overnight I became allergic to a common everyday food and the latent Celiac’s Disease became active.

Over five years, I was able to rebuild my health.

Now I spend my time helping others to do the same. I pray I will be a blessing to you.

There are many link and different emails you can subscribe to. Be sure to take advantage of them all. I want you (or your loved one) to heal and rebuild health.