
Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray or Fruit and Veggie Soak utilizes naturally derived ingredients and the cleansing power of thieves essential oil blend to effectively wash produce at home or when on the go.

Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray is great for single – use servings or when you are away from home. The convenient to ounce spray bottle fits in a purse, backpack or carry-on, making it easily accessible. With just a few spaces, you can quickly and efficiently clean fruits and vegetables no matter where you are.

Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak is a perfect choice when cleaning larger amounts of produce. With the help of DiGize, Purification, and Thieves essential oil blends you can prepare produce for a wonderful meal or a healthy snack.

In a hurry to get started? I understand.

If you are local, I almost always have Starter Kits available in the store so you can get started the same day. If you’re busy go ahead and use the online sign up.

If you live a distance, than we can order for you online. You can call or text me to make arrangements or you can navigate it online. Here is the link to sign up. Sign Up Here.

One of the best ways to clean up your home is with the Thieves Start Kit available to wholesale members at a discount price. Most people start with the Premium Starter Kit since it comes with 11 bottles of oil, a diffuser and a whole bunch of samples. Then they set up Essential Rewards with an ER Thieves Kit so they get the best of both worlds!