Through the years, I have been blessed with many mothers. Each provided me with different blessings as you will see.Though they were not all my biological mothers each loved me.  It was these women and my own children and grandchidren  who shaped my life. Now, it is time to step up my game and give back.

When I was sixteen, I found myself pregnant. It was a difficult time. My own mom saw me struggling to get my act together and invested everything she had into me. She became my best friend and cheerleader. I could always count on her. This Mother’s Day, I am grateful for the time, energy, patience and commmittment she put into me. 

Later that year, I met the most amazing baby who thought I could do no wrong. She and I pretty much grew up together. This Mother’s Day, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to grow as she did. I didn’t do everything right but she loved me anyway without hesitation.

At seventeen, I had some wonderful teachers who took time to take me under their wing, like a mother hen with her baby chick. Jean and Carolyn changed my life forever when they looked beyond my mistakes and saw a valuable person worthy of investing in. I never felt like they criticized my decisions but always helped me to make better ones. This Mother’s Day, I am so very grateful for the consistant optimisim they showed me,  a young lady noone admired, and helped me become who I am today.

I met my future mother-in-law, Nancy, when I was I was twenty four. She showed me how valuable it was to include everyone and to make a day special. This Mother’s Day, I am grateful for the many family events that help us make valuable memories. 

When I was twenty seven, we moved to Maryland. Soon after, Millie invited our family to join hers for Sunday dinner. From that day forward she has been a mother to me, prays for me and my children daily, and had no problem correcting me if she thinks I am off base. This Mother’s Day I am grateful for her commitment to my faith and keeping me on the straight and narrow.

At thirty two years old, I had the joy of welcoming my second child. Boy, oh boy has he been a treat! He was the one who imitated every fault I have ever had. His unique personality is allowing me to realize I am not all that God has called me to be and he loves me unconditionally anyway. This Mothers Day I am grateful that he is here to make me take a good look in the mirror and allow me to grow in grace.

At thirty six, I became a grandparent for the first time. What a experience to see life from a new paradigm! At forty, the second grandchild arrived. These blessings have shown me what it’s like to be adored. I continue to pray that I can be worthy. This Mothers Day, I am grateful for their love. 

This year, my husband and I committed to taking classes to become foster parents. Today, I have two extra boys in my home. Through no fault of their own they can not be with their own mother on Mothers Day. Likely, she wasn’t blessed with many mothers. Due to some unfortunate mistakes she can not be with them.  And the gravity of the loss on both sides is real to me. I can never take her place. Yet, I need to be that person for them today. 

I keep thinking of the amazing mothers and mentors I have had in my life that molded and shaped me. This Mothers Day, I pray that I can be there for my children and the foster children that come into our lives. I pray I can commit the time, energy and patience needed; make a difference; love unconditionally and without hesitation; see their value and help them make decisions, help them look in the mirror and allow them to grow in grace; change their paradigms; keep them on the straight and narrow; and all the other loving acts a mother does. May the Lord bless my efforts to love them… for when you are blessed by many mothers you can rise above your circumstances and fly!