All summer our family focus has been “love is an action word”. I really had in mind stopping the bickering between the children. Then, when I ran across this meme the Lord convicted me how easy it is to say things and much harder to live them out.  

  1. Listen without interrupting. Proverbs 18
  2. Speak without accusing. James 1:19
  3. Give without sparing. Proverbs 21:26
  4. Give without sparing. Proverbs 21:26
  5. Pray without ceasing. Colossians 1:9
  6. Answer without arguing. Proverbs 17:1
  7. Enjoy without complaint. Philippians 2:14
  8. Trust without wavering. Corinthians 13:7
  9. Forgive without punishing. Colossians 3:13
  10. Promise without forgetting. Proverbs 13:12

I started this project for the kids but it was me who the Lord humbled. So much room for growth in all of us. 

I pray that each of you reading this is convicted as well. May the God of heaven and earth show you true love so you can love all those around you. Let it be so; amen.