I never imagined that I would start learning karate when I am well settled into my 40s. Just never saw that one coming. I am not in shape (evidenced by my noodle arms). I have been sick for the last 8.5 years. Not like a little sick…more like “I am seriously struggling to live and hoping I die” for six years and “I am better but not yet well” for the last two and a half.  Yet, here I am with my youngest and two grandchildren.This photo is after class. We are all hot and sweaty. This is the pretty picture. The sad picture would have been the video of me struggling to breathe while doing jumping jacks. I could only go 1/4 the speed of the children and that was very hard on my heart.  Or perhaps when I went down on the push up but couldn’t come back up–at all (remember the noodles). Then again, the sit ups were limited to my head only, no torso came off the ground.

All that being said (slightly embarrassingly but honest truth) I still feel good about it. The amazing capabilities of the body are incredible. WITHOUT any further practice at home (it isn’t a habit we have built into our lives yet) I was able to do 15 fast jumping jacks (the rest slow), three push ups and during sit ups I was able to get my shoulders off the ground (only for about five) the following week! Boy was that motivating.

Have you ever had small successes like that?
Where no one else thinks it counts for much but it is a major victory for you?

Today, let us look at the many challenges we have already overcome. Each of us is different as we have all been blessed with different skills and challenges. Let us stop comparing our lives with that of others and celebrate how far we have come!!!

Today I am grateful I have suffered and been given a second chance at life with my family, blessed to be able to know the younger children and positively influence their lives, glad that I can help so many other people get healthy with our amazing farm foods, essential oils and encouragement.

It is fun to be in karate with the kids. This Nana might look like she is struggling but it is all success in my mind!!